German Institute for Inclusive Education pushes for
inclusion at universities and the job market
with disabilities have a right to education (article 24) and a right to work
(article 27). Further, awareness for the capabilities and contributions of
people with disabilities should be raised and promoted (article 8). The UN
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilitiesstates that clearly. At the Institute for Inclusive Education in
Kiel, Germany, it is our goal to put these rights into practice.
have created a three year full-time qualification for people with so called
intellectual disabilities that allows them to get a thorough education. The
qualification is focused on educational work and trains people to become
educational specialists. The certificate they earn allows them to work on the
regular job market – giving lectures at universities and colleges to teach
future professionals about the life realities of people with disabilities.
These educational specialists close the gap between theory and practice of
inclusion – giving students a perspective of how inclusion can work.
employing the first group of educational specialists at our institute in the
north of Germany (Kiel), we are excited to cooperate with universities
throughout Germany and the world to qualify people with disabilities.
The video below gives you a glimpse into our work and we hope to spread our idea widely.
Learn more here: https://inklusive-bildung.org/en
Source: Institute for Inclusive Education, Germany