Increased pension coverage key to future global development agenda, says UN agency

In order to promote economic recovery and prevent pensionable citizens from relapsing into poverty, social protections must be placed at the forefront of the future development agenda currently being elaborated by Member States, says the United Nations labour agency.

In its latest report, headlined Social Protection for older persons: Key policy trends and statistics, the International Labour Organization (ILO) has warned that 48 per cent of the world’s pensionable population does not receive a retirement benefit while, for many of the 52 per cent who do, coverage tends to be inadequate.

“Many developing countries are boldly expanding their pensions systems. But as important as expanding coverage is guaranteeing adequate pension benefits,” said Isabel Ortiz, Director of the ILO’s Social Protection Department, which produced the report.

“Older men and women have a right to retire in dignity, without falling into poverty. This is an issue worldwide.”

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SOURCE & COPYRIGHT: United Nations