It’s Time to Take Action Now – Global Youth Summit 2021

Following the success of the Global Youth Summit, now is the time to act. Here is how young people can build on their attendance at the Summit and support the COVID-19 recovery efforts in their own local communities.

Three steps – a challenge to all young people to get involved

Recognizing that all solutions start with a single step, the Global Youth Summit concluded with a challenge to all young people to take three steps to tackle the impact of COVID-19 and build back better from the pandemic:

  1. Apply for funding for a local solution

Do you have an idea for a solution to overcome a challenge created by the COVID-19 pandemic? Want to support your local community? Campaign for change in your local area? You can apply for funding from $500 –$5,000 today.

No matter how big or small, we encourage you to have the confidence to apply for funding. All you need to do is complete a short application form setting out your idea, what you want to achieve with the funding and upload a short video explaining why you should be awarded the funding. All funding will be agreed and awarded by panels of young people.

This if funding for young people, by young people. See here for more details.

  • Advocate for change and support your local community

Help support communities with accurate information about the COVID-19 pandemic, join our advocacy efforts and call for change!

The Global Youth Mobilization will be sharing ideas and toolkits after the Summit and young people will be able to identify the issues that are most important to your community and join in the efforts.

We want to mobilize young people to call for change in their local communities. Now is the time for action. Let’s mobilize for change for a better world.

  • Make the most of the Summit content, share with friends and host something locally.

Make the most of all the amazing content from the Summit, share with your networks, friends and consider hosting a local or national Youth Summit with a partner of the Big 6!

More than 70 hours of content from the Summit, including the key plenary sessions and breakout sessions will be available here, including supporting resources and guidance from the nearly 50 partners who delivered amazing content at the Summit.

We will also be announcing how young people and youth-led, grassroots community organizations can run local and national Youth Summits to support the Global Youth Mobilization. Watch this space!

Please do share your reflections and thoughts on the Summit on social using #youthmobilize and @gymobilization

Source: Global Youth Mobilization