John Evans: Pioneer of Independent Living in the UK

This short film features the life and work of John Evans, one of the pioneers of the Independent Living movement in the United Kingdom and a co-founder of the European Network on Independent Living - ENIL. The film talks about John’s successful attempt to leave Le Court, an institution for disabled people in England, and to convince local authorities to give him a budget to manage his own support and live in his own home. This feat paved the way to independent living in his country, and was known as Project 81.

After leaving Le Court, John played a major role in the disability movement, fighting for equality legislation, personal assistance and other rights. He was instrumental in advocacy for full participation of disabled people in all decisions about them, through coproduction.  At the European level, John helped establish ENIL as a major organisation focused on Independent Living, and has supported, encouraged and inspired disabled activists all over Europe. Although impossible to sum up in 10 minutes, this film helps capture some of John’s fighting spirit and his major contribution to the global disability rights

Source: European Network on Independent Living