Launch of the NET-MED Youth Project for Empowering Youth Voices and Promoting Change

A network developing knowledge and tools to empower young women and men in the Western and Eastern Basins of the Mediterranean will be launched at UNESCO Headquarters on 5 June, 2014. The Project Networks of Mediterranean Youth (NET-MED Youth) is implemented by UNESCO and supported by the European Union, which has committed €8m to the project for the next three years.

The Network will help young people to develop their competencies, exercise their rights and engage as active citizens, particularly in decision-making relating to youth policies. The focus will be on the development and revision of public policies by reinforcing the capacities and participation of identified youth organizations and stakeholders working on youth-related. It will also promote young people’s freedom of expression, representation in mainstream media and empowerment through media and information literacy, underpinning their participation in public dialogue.

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