Leaders of tomorrow must be heard today, Ban tells Global Forum on Youth Policies

Young people around the world must “raise your voices” so they are heard loud and clear, United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon told a packed audience of youth Ministers, experts, activists and volunteers this morning, kicking off the First Global Forum on Youth Policies, in Azerbaijan, itself a nation with more than half of its population under age 29.

“Young people are the leaders of tomorrow but we need to listen to them carefully today,” said Mr. Ban, in a video message in his opening remarks to the participants to the event, which runs through Thursday in Azerbaijan’s costal capital, Baku.

The UN–backed Forum is the first such gathering bringing together large numbers of experts and officials focused on youth policy.

The Forum opened with remarks from several speakers including the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth, a message from the President of Azerbaijan, and a host of youth activists. Participants also heard from representatives of other co-conveners including representatives from UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the Council of Europe.

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Source & Copyright: United Nations