Looking ahead at the UN Sustainable Development Summit

From 25-27 September 2015, over 150 World Leaders are going to attend the UN Sustainable Development Summit at UN headquarters in New York. The new sustainable development agenda will be formally adopted at the summit.

The summit will feature six interactive dialogues with the following themes: Ending poverty and hunger; Tracking inequalities; Forster sustainable economic growth; Protecting our planet; Building institutions to achieve sustainable development; Delivering on  a revitalized Global Partnership.

The new agenda also highlights poverty eradication as the overreaching goal and it calls all countries' actions.

The High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, set up after the Rio+20 Conference, will serve as the apex for follow-up and review and will thus play a central role. The General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and specialized agencies will also be engaged in reviewing progress in specific areas

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Source & Copyright: UNDESA