Marketable skills set young women on path to prosperity in Nepal

UN Photo/Gill Fickling

Vocational training programs in Nepal are providing young women between 16 and 24 with gainful employment, economic independence, and bringing trust in their ability to create their own paths for the future.Through the programs, as part of the World Bank’s Adolescent Girls’ Employment Initiative (AGEI), women have found jobs in lucrative, non-traditional fields for women such as gadget repair and aluminum working, earning more than a typical Bachelor’s graduate in Nepal.

The success of these programs has resulted in a new initiative implemented by the Government of Nepal, with support from the World Bank - the Enhanced Vocational Education and Training Project (EVENT). This Project offers training in skills that are highly demanded in the market, and women as well as men are eligible to receive training, with an emphasis on reaching the poorest and rural areas.

While the young girls trained as part of the AGEI formed a pilot group, the success of these vocational training programs have resulted in a new initiative implemented by the Government of Nepal, with support from the World Bank. Graduates of AGEI also need to go through skills testing. The rigorous process ends in a certificate issued through the government’s vocational certification program, CTEVT, which qualify graduates for employment anywhere in the world.

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