Mobilizing researchers to end poverty in Africa

Over the past 15 years, GDP growth in Africa has been higher than in the rest of the developing world. Despite the tremendous economic growth, poverty reduction in Africa was less impressive, with nearly half of the population still living on less than US$1.25 a day per capita (2010).

Scholars from all over the world recently gathered in Paris for the Annual Bank Conference on Africa (ABCA), to discuss ways to make economic growth work better for the poorest families in Africa.

In his opening remarks, Makhtar Diop, World Bank vice president for Africa, reminded the audience that “the legitimacy of the World Bank is not the dollar amount we put on the table; it is the knowledge and healthy policy dialogue it encourages.”

The ABCA conference creates a platform for scholars to put forward their research and get feedback. Most key issues were discussed, such as the optimal balance between growth, inequality and poverty reduction, and better ways to help poor people manage risks.

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SOURCE & COPYRIGHT: © World Bank Group (World Bank)