Interview with Janice S. Lintz, Hearing Access & Innovations

Today, an estimated 360 million people - over 5% of the world’s population – have disabling hearing loss (328 million adults and 32 million children). According to WHO, limited access to services and exclusion from communication can have a significant impact on the everyday lives of adults and children, causing feelings of loneliness, isolation and frustration. In some developing countries, children with hearing loss and deafness rarely receive any schooling and adults with hearing loss face much higher than average unemployment rates.

In the video below, Ms. Janice S. Lintz, CEO of Hearing Access and Innovations, highlights a number of key areas that need immediate attention when it comes to improving access, globally, for persons with hearing loss, from museums, banks and other places of business, to subways and buses.

Watch the entire interview below and follow this month's focus on Persons with Disabilities.


Janice S. Lintz is a passionate and accomplished global change agent for people with hearing loss and related consumer issues.
She is well-known and respected for her ability to develop and implement creative solutions across organizational and geographic boundaries on matters relating to access for people who are deaf or hard of hearing on a global basis.
She works with domestic and international organizations to benchmark best practices and aims to document access around the world to leverage effective access globally. She has so far established or enhanced hearing access programs at over 100 international organizations.

For more information on Janice S. Lintz please click here.
For more information on Hearing Access & Innovations please click here.