Nations Investing Ahead for People and Planet

The Addis Ababa Conference which is scheduled for two months from now will focus on the issue of world poverty; the event is held in Ethiopia where world leaders will come to map out a financial plan to work towards the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. The leaders behind the conference believe that without proper financing, the agenda of ending extreme poverty would be unable to be carried out. Even though the finances are accessible,  public, private, domestic and international sources of finance will need to be part of the equation in order to reach the goals on the agenda.

The well being of many people depend on the goals to be mapped out at this conference. Addressing these goals would make 2015 a year of change and progress in world poverty. In order to increase the economy of smaller countries, global growth and global governance needs to be invested in as a whole. Trade and investment in these smaller countries are factors that could transform their economy if focused on at a global standpoint. The success of the conference and world leaders agreeing on sustainable development goals would cause the increase of global economy as a whole.

To read more about the conference, please click here.

Source & Copyright: UN DESA News