Fighting child labour - The Red Card Campaign

There can be no talk for social development and empowerment when still an estimated 168 million children are in child labour worldwide, doing work that affects their health and personal development and which deprives them of schooling, their childhood or simply the time and space to play.

Almost 85 million of these children are involved in hazardous work on small farms, on fishing boats, market stalls, factories and mines. Millions are also in domestic work. Some are forcibly recruited as child soldiers, abused in commercial sexual exploitation, involved in begging or drug trafficking.

On 12 June 2014, the World Day Against Child Labour, the International Labour Organization will be launching their latest phase of the Red Card to Child Labour campaign as part of the Organization’s efforts to combat child labour, through its International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour.

Under the umbrella message of “All together against child labour,” the campaign will involve sport, the arts, young people, families, employers, trade unions, policy-makers, community organizations, teachers, youth workers and many others who are committed to improving the lives of millions of children around the world.

For more information, please click here