ILO announces winners of “Fund for Evaluation in Employment 2013”

The International Labour Organization (ILO) has announced business-building proposals from Cote d’Ivoire, Egypt, India, Iran, Kenya, Rwanda, Timor Leste and Zambia as winners of the 2013 Fund for Evaluation in Employment.

Launched in 2010, the Fund for Evaluation aims to build evidence for effective design and implementation of youth employment programmes. Four requests for proposals have been issued since 2010, resulting in over 500 proposals and the initiation of eight impact evaluations and twelve monitoring and evaluation frameworks. The 2013 edition of the Fund for Evaluation received 70 proposals from 34 countries, mainly from sub-Saharan Africa and Middle East and North Africa.

The Fund is a joint initiative of the Youth Employment and Small Enterprise Units at the ILO. Winners were selected through a two-stage competitive selection. Thirteen proposals were shortlisted by an ILO selection committee and were asked to submit concept notes. A committee of external experts from the World Bank and the International Initiative for Impact Evaluation then assessed the notes based on pre-defined criteria. Applicants assessed as being at the “Ready for an impact evaluation” stage are included in Track 1, while applicants assessed as being at the “Impact evaluation pipeline” stage are included in Track 2. Impact evaluation experts provided technical assistance to selected winners during the ILO Evidence Symposium in Doha (6-8 March 2014) and the ILO Evaluation Clinic in Bangkok (27-28 March 2014).

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