New technologies are powerful tools for poverty eradication, economic, sustainable and social development. They help disseminate valuable information on public services, health care, education and training, livelihoods and rights, and also connect individuals and groups with one another, thereby improving social inclusion; and facilitating citizen participation.
By using new technologies, poor people have experienced benefits in the form of for example increased income; better health care; improved education and training; access to job opportunities; engagement with government services; contacts with family and friends; enterprise development opportunities; increased agricultural productivity, and so on.
UNDESA-DSPD, in collaboration with the Observatory for Cultural and Audiovisual Communication in the Mediterranean Region (OCCAM) and the InfoPoverty Institute of the University of Oklahoma, is organizing a high level panel discussion on “Strengthening social development to fight poverty through the use of new technologies” on 10 April 2014 at United Nations Headquarters in New York.
The objective of this panel is to discuss how the digital innovations can be used to strengthen the social pillar of sustainable development and reduce poverty and inequalities through the use of new technologies.
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