UN Global Compact Builds Momentum for Agribusiness and SDGs

Stakeholders in global agribusiness have welcomed the United Nations Global Compact Food and Agriculture (FAB) Principles. Since their launch on 22 September 2014 at the United Nations in New York, the FAB Principles have been endorsed by South-East Asian Governments and the fruit juice sector in Europe, aligned with the Declaration of Abu Dhabi, and fostered an initiative for businesses focused on global soil health and management.

The FAB Principles are built on commitments made at the UN Global Compact’s Rio+20 Corporate Sustainability Forum held during the UN Conference on Sustainable Development in 2012. Responding to calls for a common language and framework to achieve food security through more sustainable agriculture, the FAB Principles were developed over two years, through over 20 consultations globally with over 1,000 businesses and other key stakeholders.

“The UN Global Compact provides the objective platform for action where ideas can be discussed, partnerships can be formed, and productive steps can be taken,” said Aimee Christian, Head of Corporate Affairs, R&D, of Syngenta at the launch of the FAB Principles in New York. The meeting brought together global agribusinesses, farmers’ organisations, international cooperatives and NGOs, voluntary standards and commodity roundtables, key UN agencies and intergovernmental bodies for an historic alignment of actors. This group “is ready to collaborate and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for food security, agriculture and nutrition”, noted José Lopez, Chief Operating Officer of Nestlé.

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Source & Copyright: Global Compact