Since 2019, several activities have been shaping the preparations for the 30th Anniversary of the International Year of the Family in 2024. In this regard, Secretary General’s Reports have been presented for the General Assembly to set the modalities, enrich the discussion, and better inform stakeholders on the situation of the family unit around the globe [1]. A focus on megatrends was recommended, starting with reports on Families and New Technologies (2021) [2], Urbanization and International Migration (2022) [3], Demographic Shifts (2023), and Climate Action (2024).
The International Federation for Family Development is committed to integrating a family perspective into policy making and advocacy at the United Nations [4]. The Observance of World Cities Day has always been a suitable occasion to evaluate the progress made so far for families in urban areas [5]. The Inclusive Cities and Sustainable Families Project was established in the Veneto Region by the creation of the Venice Declaration in 2018. Since then, it has been an effective tool to move forward together with local and regional initiatives and good practices to better family-friendly policies [6].
For the 2023 World Cities Day, it is important to secure the gains by capitalizing the content on policy recommendations made in recent Secretary General reports [7] [8]. Also, it is crucial to listen to local and regional initiatives and good practices on pertaining topics. On this occasion, special attention should be given to the vulnerable families in the myriad of challenges they have to face on a daily basis [9].
Message by Roberto Ciambetti, President of the Veneto Regional Council (Italy)
Source: IFFD