Promoting consensus for post-2015 development agenda

The UN General Assembly’s Second Committee has to address a wide range of important topics related to economic growth and development this fall. Ambassador Sebastiano Cardi, the Chair of the Committee, sat down with DESA News for an exclusive interview to share some of the major tasks before the Committee, including financing for sustainable development, sustainable development goals in the post-2015 development agenda and the global Ebola response.

Taking aim at the topic of inequality and featuring keynote speaker Professor Janet C. Gornick, Director of the Luxembourg Income Study Cross-National Data Center, the Second Committee kicked off its fall session on 7 October with the general debate including 94 statements, an increase compared to last year’s session.

“This is a testimony to the great interest of the General Assembly for the work of the Committee this year,” said Ambassador Cardi, as DESA News got an opportunity to speak with him following the Committee’s morning meeting, where it had just discussed the topic of sustainable development, one of its most extensive agenda items with a total of 24 reports under consideration.

“This year is a particular year, because we are going to face in 2015 some important processes related to the work of the Second Committee,” said Ambassador Cardi as he described some of the main issues before the Committee, highlighting financing for development and the post-2015 development agenda.

To read the full article, please click here.

Watch DESA News: Interview with Ambassador Sebastiano Cardi, Chair of UNGA Second Committee.

Copyright & Source: UNDESA