“Decent work and sustainable economic growth are two sides of the same coin.”
This was the main message at the event “Creating the Conditions for Decent Work for All: Localizing Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8,” which took place on November 16 at the U.N. Headquarters as part of the Global Vision|Urban Action program of New York City Mayor’s Office for International Affairs. The importance of decent jobs to achieving economic prosperity is highlighted by SDG 8 which aims to “promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all.”
But what steps can we take to ensure decent work in the world today? In line with Goal 8, New York City is taking action to enforce fair labor standards, and promote gender equality and financial empowerment for all.
Here are some of the best practices that we can learn:
1) Paid safe leave for victims of domestic violence and trafficking
On November 6, New York City’s Mayor signed into law a bill which expands paid leave to domestic violence and human trafficking survivors. The Paid Safe Leave law is intended to make it easier for survivors to get the care they need without having to worry about losing their income or job.
This legislation concretizes SDG 8.8’s commitment to “protect labor rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers.” It creates a safe place for victims of domestic violence, sexual harassment, and human trafficking by allowing them to take the time needed to seek protection and services needed to move forward with their lives, without fear of penalty or loss of income.
2) Protecting independent contractors
New York City’s Freelance Isn’t Free Act, the first of its kind in any U.S. city, aims to enhance protections for freelance workers, specifically their right to a written contract, timely and full payment and protection from retaliation. The Act sets standards and helps level the playing field for independent contractors, in order to protect their right to a secure working environment.
3) Banning salary history
The Salary History Law makes it illegal for public and private employers of any size in New York City to ask about the applicant’s salary history during the hiring process. Rather than rely on an applicant’s previous salary, employers and job applicants are now encouraged to engage in salary negotiations focused on the applicant’s qualifications and requirements for the job to set a salary.
This newly passed legislation recognizes that everybody deserves to be paid based on their skills and qualifications, not their previous salary. Inquiring about salary history during the hiring process often creates a cycle of inequity and discrimination in the workplace, which perpetuates lower salaries specifically for women and people of color.
4) Expanding access to financial services
New York City launched an initiative, the Financial Empowerment Centers, aimed at educating, empowering, and protecting those with low incomes so they can make the most of their financial resources. The Financial Empowerment Centers help individuals and families in crisis stabilize their finances and plan for their future, in order to promote better prospects for personal development and social integration.
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Source: UNSDN