Protecting and Advancing Health and Dignity for Youth & Families

Youth panelists from Concepts of Truth, NGO and the Blue Tree Foundation collaborated to discuss the benefits and harms of digital technology in the areas of sexual and mental health, education and maternal healthcare. Each panelist presented videos describing the work of their organization. Concepts of Truth provides sexual and mental health counseling, counselor training, reproductive loss recovery and sexual health education programs and resources along with an international 24/7 crisis intervention helpline. The Blue Tree Foundation (The Foundation for Preventing Youth Violence) NGO, is the first nonprofit organization established in South Korea to raise awareness about, prevent, and provide treatment for cyber violence.

Concepts of Truth’s first youth panelist, Nevaeh Vazquez, introduced the topic of social media, its widespread use and benefits in building up communities but also its harmful effects on mental health. Youth panelists from the Blue Tree Foundation next addressed different aspects of cyber violence: Eunkyo Choi discussed how youth violence has evolved in South Korea with advancements in digital technology and how that has affected youth’s physical, mental and sexual health. Blue Tree’s next panelist, Seungmin Lee, discussed new trends in cyberbullying in Asia and their financial and mental harms. Finally, Director of the Blue Tree Foundation, Jisang Lee, discussed the harmful effects of digital technology and its impact on cyber violence. Concepts of Truth concluded the program with its last two youth panelists, Rachel McKenna and Rebecca Tavit. Rachel discussed the advances in digital technology and its salutary effect on maternal and natal health, and compared the physical and mental harms presented by the rise of virtual abortions. Rebecca explored the availability of sexual and mental health resources available online and suggested that member states should expand access to sexual health resources, particularly resources acknowledging the grief of miscarriage.


The Blue Tree Foundation (The Foundation for Prevention Youth Violence), NGO calls on governments, private enterprise, schools and the local communities to combat cyber violence in all its forms, including cyber verbal violence, defamation, stalking, sexual violence, bullying, and information leakage. Concepts of Truth, Inc., NGO recommends that member states align with the four pillars of the Geneva Consensus Declaration to ensure (1) better health for women, (2) the preservation of human life, (3) the strengthening of family as the foundational unit of society, and (4) the protection of every nation's national sovereignty in global politics

Concepts of Truth, Inc., NGO had 87 zoom registrations, 59 event attendees, and over 600 views on our FB live page posting of the event. We also were very pleased to see that the post had reached over 700 people.

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