- The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty 2024 highlights a widespread but often ignored aspect of poverty: social and institutional mistreatment. This hidden violence, which includes stigma, discrimination, and the denial of basic human rights, causes deep harm to individuals and communities already struggling with poverty.
Social mistreatment, seen in negative attitudes and discriminatory behaviors, sets the stage for institutional mistreatment. Policies and practices in both public and private institutions often reinforce and worsen these biases, leading to exclusion and the denial of essential services. People living in poverty often experience interactions with institutions that are marked by judgment, control, and a lack of concern for their basic needs.
This harmful combination of social and institutional mistreatment creates a cycle of injustice, undermining self-esteem, eroding personal agency, and stripping individuals of their dignity. It represents a significant loss of human potential, affecting both those directly impacted and society as a whole.
The 2024 theme, "Ending Social and Institutional Maltreatment," calls for a united effort to dismantle these unjust systems. It stresses the urgent need to recognize the knowledge and lived experiences of people in poverty, ensuring their meaningful participation in the creation and implementation of anti-poverty strategies. Only through such inclusive and empowering approaches can we hope to build truly just, peaceful, and inclusive societies where everyone can thrive.
To learn more about the International Day, please visit this website.
As part of marking this day, UN DESA will be launching the World Social Report 2024: Social Development in Times of Converging Crises: A Call for Global Action on 17 October at 12:45 PM EDT. For more information on the report launch and to join virtually, visit bit.ly/UNDESA_WSR2024.
Source: UN DESA Voice