8th February 2024, UN Headquarters New York, CSocD62 Side Event organized by The Blue Tree Foundation (BTF) (first NGO established in Republic of Korea to prevent and eradicate school and cyber bullying) and the Permanent Mission of Republic of Korea explored how digital transformation can impact inclusive growth and equitable distribution with youth, discussed the role that youth can play in the digital transformation era as the ‘key to breaking the cycle of poverty’, and policy measures for youth inclusion.
The moderator, Doyeon Lee (Youth Delegate of BTF) and speeches from Hye-ryoung Song (Minister Counsellor of the Mission of Korea), Gil-sung Park (Chairman of BTF), and Ignacio Socias (Director of International Relations at the International Federation for Family Development) marked the beginning. Keynote speech by Heena Myung (Chief Researcher of BTF) was followed, highlighting the importance of youth in the digital transformation era and the need for “international organizations (to) actively utilize the civil society organizations as a prototype for effective and collaborative resolutions”.
In part one, Antonio Lopez (Executive Director of International Council of Social Welfare), Rong Zhang (Associate Commissioner of Department of Youth and Community Development of NYC), and Jungwon Kim (Youth Delegate of BTF) highlighted digital transformation as the key to inclusive growth and social justice. As speakers shared the impact of digital transformation on active social participation, and emphasized the direction of digital transformation for social justice, Youth Delegate Kim stated the need for more ‘social digital entrepreneurs’ that possess both virtue and capability, through education programs such as BTF’s ‘Cyber Jungle Guardian Blue Elephant(PUCO)’ program sponsored by Samsung.
Part two focused on the necessity of youth leaders in digital transformation, further bringing light to the significance of this youth-led side event. This part urged the international community on the importance of youth leading the digital transformation era, and was joined by three speakers: David Ryan Polgar (Founder of All Tech Is Human), Ursula Wynhoven (ITU Representative to the UN), and Jungin Lee (Youth Delegate of BTF). Speakers shared the impact of youth’s digital technology capabilities on their families and suggested the need for nurturing youth digital, leading to Youth Delegate Lee’s emphasis that “the key to harnessing the benefits of digitalization lies in empowering the youth of this world to spread culture and become active leaders”.
During panel discussion, three Youth Delegates of BTF, Suyun Moon, Hyewon Son, and Geunwoo Kim, spoke about ‘caring for each other,’ ‘youth and NGO roles in the digital transformation era,’ and ‘the importance of digital fluency,’ where Hanna Kasahara (Adviser at the Permanent Mission of Japan to the UN) has also made a brief statement on behalf of the Mission, expressing deep sympathy for the importance of the role of youth for inclusive growth in the digital transformation era. In marking the official end of the event, participants joined to be a part of the ‘Blue Promise Campaign’ pledging ‘to develop inclusive policies and practices‘.
For more information, please visit: eng.btf.or.kr
For more information about the 62nd Commission for Social Development (CSocD62), please visit: https://social.desa.un.org/csocd/62nd
Source: The Blue Tree Foundation