Secretary-General encourages governments to ensure older people’s full participation in society

Secratary-General Ban Ki-moon released the following statement ahead of the International Day of Older Persons, observed on October 1st:

Older persons are playing an increasingly significant role in society as they grow in number and as health care improves in some parts of the world.

The number of older persons is expected to more than double, globally, from 841 million people in 2013 to more than 2 billion in 2050. By that year, nearly 8 in 10 of the world’s older population will live in the less developed regions.

The steady increase in human longevity represents one of the greatest transformations and challenges of our time. However, failure to keep pace with changing demographic trends will make it difficult to achieve a sustainable, secure and fulfilling future for people of all ages.

Older persons make wide-ranging contributions to economic and social development. However, discrimination and social exclusion persist. We must overcome this bias in order to ensure a socially and economically active, secure and healthy ageing population.

To read the Secretary General’s full statement, please click here

SOURCE & COPYRIGHT: United Nations