SIDS Pre-conference Forum on Youth

The Pre-Conference Forum on youth will focus on identifying opportunities for young people from Small Island Developing States (SIDS). The outcome of this forum will help inform the dialogue process and plenary discussions.

As the host of the 3rd SIDS Conference, Samoa attaches considerable importance to the programme of the pre-conference events so as they complement and reinforce the purpose and outcomes of the conference and the six partnership dialogues.

As SIDS is about sustainable development it is more than just a chance for young people to participate at an international conference as such but more significantly it is about action to make sustainable development a reality. Youth want to be part of this through the Forum and in doing so contribute their ideas at the highest policy level and by taking action themselves to implement initiatives that promote sustainable development.

The Youth Forum is expected to provide an opportunity to:

  • Recognise successful innovative partnerships and initiatives and assess how they could be built upon and replicated in all SIDS to address development challenges including enhancing resilience
  • Provide interactive and focused discussions on potential partnerships to address the needs of SIDS and challenges that they face in particular the engagement of all stakeholders in inclusive sustainable development
  • Launch and/or demonstrate partnerships that would specifically address the generation of decent work opportunities for youth, meaningful engagement of civil society and the private sector in the development process at national, regional and global levels n sustainable energy needs for SIDS

For more information, please click here.

SOURCE & COPYRIGHT: © United Nations