Social Integration and the Rights of Older Persons

UNDESA-DSPD, in collaboration with UNESCAP, and the Asia-pacific Forum of National Human Rights Institutions (APF), with the support of UNFPA, HelpAge International and the International Federation of Ageing (IFA), are jointly organising a Workshop on the Social Integration and Rights of Older Persons in the Asia-pacific region, to foster a regional dialogue towards building consensus around promoting social integration and rights of older persons. The objective of the Workshop is to enhance awareness of different stakeholders in the region on how national legislations could better contribute to the social integration of older persons and the promotion and protection of their rights.

The Workshop aims to facilitate an exchange of information and good practices on existing national legislation aimed at the promotion and protection of older persons’ rights in the region; Foster a dialogue among participants on implementation of existing legislation, normative gaps and ways to address these gaps and initiate a dialogue among stakeholders in the region on how to best contribute to the work of the Open-Ended Working Group on Ageing.

The Workshop will take place in Bangkok from 30 September to 2 October, 2014.

To read more, please click here

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