Technical assistance a driving force for progress in developing countries

Technical assistance, such as that delivered by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in many regions of the world, has already made a concrete impact on the ground and continues to be a crucial mechanism for enhancing development and progress. This was a view emphasized by participants at an international forum organized by UNIDO in Vienna today.

The two-day event, titled "Second UNIDO forum on partnerships to scale up investment for inclusive and sustainable industrial development", brings together around 440 participants from 93 countries, including heads of state and government, ministers, representatives of bilateral and multilateral development partners, the United Nations system, the private sector, non-governmental organizations and academia.

Li Yong, the Director General of UNIDO, said: "The promotion of inclusive and sustainable industrial development is a very clear mandate given by our Member States at the General Conference of UNIDO in Lima, Peru, last December. Since then, we have been implementing the new mandate in various ways, including by organizing this forum. Today we send a strong statement: technical assistance cannot remain isolated from the main forces that shape the course of progress in your countries. We have to combine our efforts to enhance the developmental impact of our endeavours. Together we will grow; the partnership will make us stronger."

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