The First International Forum on Migration Statistics

The first International Forum on Migration Statistics will be kicked off in Paris, France from 15 to 16 January. Organized by UN Department of Economic and Social Affair (UN DESA), the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the forum will gather all produces, analysts and users of migration statistics in a community of interest centered on migration measurement issues.

More than 30 high-level speakers will join and 38 parallel sessions will be present over two days.

The forum aims at becoming a regular event that will contribute to intensify the exchange of information, to promote mutual learning and to facilitate cooperation among relevant stakeholders. It will be organized around the following five themes:

  1. Improving the migration measurement
  2. Innovation and synthesis of data sources
  3. Understanding migration through data
  4. Capacity building
  5. Cooperation and data governance

This event will attract people from a wide range of disciplines – such as political science, economics, demography, development, geospatial science, sociology, statistics, and information technology – that can contribute to improve global understanding of the migration phenomenon.

In December 2017, UN DESA has launched its biennial International Migration Report 2017, presenting the latest migration data and trends. It reveals 3.4% of the world’s inhabitants today are international migrants.

Mr. Liu Zhenmin, UN DESA’s Under-Secretary-General, pointed out the significance of migration data analysis, “reliable data and evidence are critical to combat misperceptions about migration and to inform migration policies”. He elaborated during the launch of the report, “these new estimates of numbers of international migrants around the world will provide an important baseline for the Member States as they begin their negotiations on the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration”.

More details about the forum click here.

Read the full International Migration Report 2017.

Source: UN DESA, UN News Centre, OECD