The Future of European Families in Vulnerable Situations

What will families look like in the future? Are existing social- and family policies compatible with changes in family patterns? These and related questions are addressed in the large-scale integrating project FamiliesAndSocieties – Changing families and sustainable societies: Policy contexts and diversity over the life course and across generations, coordinated by Stockholm University.

The collaborative research project is financed in the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (€6.5 millions in EU contribution; grant no. 320116).  Launched in February 1, 2013 it will continue until January 31, 2017.

The main objectives of the project are:

  • To investigate the diversity of family forms, relationships, and life courses in Europe.
  • To assess the compatibility of existing policies with family changes.
  • To contribute to evidence – based policy making.

Main findings of the project and the corresponding policy implications can be extracted as below:

Reducing vulnerability

Vulnerability is multidimensional and it is not restricted to poverty. It implies some sort of weakness or inability to deal with challenges or, put in other words, a lack of resources to address upcoming problems.

Policies supporting families to avoid such situations or helping them leave such situations or helping them leave such situations behind them are thus capable of reducing vulnerability.

One of the main challenges for modern welfare states is the ongoing reproduction of inequality —and vulnerability — from one generation to the next. While financial transfers are required to address the most urgent needs of vulnerable families, they alone do not solve the problem of reproduction of vulnerability. Instead, it is crucial to facilitate families to sustain themselves.

A good gender regime policy fit is a necessity

Higher female labour force participation would bring about economic advantages for women themselves, the family, and the society at large (GDP growth). More gender equity would allow for more involvement of men in raising children as well as more economic security and financial independency for (single) mothers at all ages.

Improving work–family balance

Improving work–family balance A better future for children requires both secure financial means and time for parents to be there for their children. Unsuccessful work–family reconciliation means that either or both are missing.

Mainstreaming family

An adequate income, the provision of adequate childcare, sufficient information for parents, and support in reconciling care responsibilities with employment are desperately needed measures. In addition, it was emphasized that family policies often lack a coherent and integrated policy framework.

Informing families about policies

Acceptance includes that policy measures need to be evaluated from the perspective of families, considering their well-being and vulnerability. Furthermore, newly introduced policies should be explained to the public and promoted as it might be that not all parents are aware of their benefits —in particular, if a specific measure is part of a mainstreaming strategy, and the ones that are not implemented as well.

Strengthening communication and social cohesion

Trust in and support by others is essential in vulnerable situations. Social vulnerability can only be minimized by improving communication and maximizing solidarity among people. This also holds with regard to immigrant families and asylum seekers.

The full summary report please read What Do Children Really Need?

The findings are based on the European Union 70th Framework project ‘FamiliesAndSocieties’.

Source: IFFD