The positive relationship between innovation and development

The 2020 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII) presents the latest global innovation trends and the annual innovation ranking of 131 economies.

The theme of this year's GII - Who Will Finance Innovation? - is timely given the human and global economic damage wreaked by the COVID-19 global pandemic.

The GII calls on business and policy leaders around the world to sustain innovation.

COVID-19 and risks to innovation

Once the COVID-19 pandemic is under control, it is crucial that support for innovation widens beyond the health sector and that government innovation expenditures compensate for any falling private sector innovation funding. The impacts of the pandemic on science and innovation systems should be monitored. Some positive effects have already been noted, such as the unexpected level of international collaboration in science and the reduction of red tape for scientists. Some aspects, however, are alarming, such as the standstill of major research projects and the possible (and uneven) reduction of R&D expenditures in some fields.

Ranking of the most-innovative economies

Switzerland is the world’s most-innovative economy followed by Sweden, the United States of America (U.S.), the United Kingdom (U.K.) and the Netherlands, according to the GII 2020.

Regional leaders include India, South Africa, Chile, Israel and Singapore, with China, Viet Nam and the United Republic of Tanzania topping their income groups.

About the Global Innovation Index

The Global Innovation Index is a leading reference for measuring an economy’s innovation performance.

Moving into its 13th edition in 2020, the GII has evolved into a valuable benchmarking tool that facilitates public-private dialogue and that helps policy-makers, business leaders, and other stakeholders to evaluate their innovation progress on an annual basis.

For more information, please download the 2020 edition of the Global Innovation Index (GII).

Source: WIPO