The ICA-AP will hold the ‘Third Regional Conference on Status of Women in Cooperatives in Asia-Pacific” in Philippines from 9-11 February 2016. The event will be held in collaboration with the cooperative movement of Philippines to review the situation 10 years after the second conference in 2006 and look ahead to see how gender mainstreaming can be further consolidated in cooperatives. The conference will also make recommendations to the 10th Ministers Conference in Jakarta in April 2016.
All members are cordially invited to participate in the conference through their representatives and expected to present a country paper. A conference paper along with detailed program, agenda and guidelines to present the country paper will be sent out in due course.
Since the 1990s, the International Co-operative Alliance - Asia and the Pacific (ICA-AP) has endeavoured to promote women empowerment and mainstream gender in cooperatives. In May 1997, ICA-AP and the Asian Women in Co-operative Development Forum (AWCF) jointly convened the first Regional Conference on "Women in Decision-Making in Co-operatives," in Tagatay, Philippines. The conference culminated in the "Declaration and Platform of Action for the Enhancement of Women's Participation in Leadership and Decision-Making in Co-operatives," and called on all stakeholders to undertake to enhance women's participation in leadership and decision-making in co-operatives.
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Source & Copyright: International Co-operative Alliance