Towards inclusive and sustainable development in Africa through decent work

The 13th African Regional Meeting will be held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from  November 30, 2015 to the December 3, 2015.  The meeting will bring together ILO’s tripartite constituents – governments, employers and workers – along with the political, economic and social actors of the world of work in Africa, to address the imperative of promoting an inclusive and job-rich growth through decent work in Africa.

This theme will be taken up in the Report that the ILO Director-General will present to the Meeting, entitled “Towards inclusive and sustainable development in Africa through decent work ”.The proposed agenda  is to undertake a final review of progress made on the implementation of the “Decent Work Agenda in Africa, 2007-15” and to discuss and agree on strategic vision for the ILO in the Africa region.
For more information, please click here.
Source & Copyright: ILO