UN action plan to end violent extremism

On 8 June Secretary General Ban Ki-moon discussed the ideas that make up the action plan he is designing to present later this year that he believes will move towards ending terrorism. The basis behind this plan will be enforcing good governance. The two issues that the UN believes need to be addressed the most are the underlying contexts behind terrorism messages and the main threats that have emerged such as the foreign terrorist fighters.

The UN Global Plan of Action to Prevent Violent Extremism will be presented at the General Assembly later this year as a way to counter terrorism. This plan is focusing on providing Member States with ways of action that spread across local, national, regional, and global levels. The plan is also working to focus on protection of minorities within terrorist attacks and giving security to women and children.

Extra protection will be necessary to provide for the youth in the future because the youth tends to be the percentage of the population most prone to radicalism and extremism. Working with young people to provide education on violent extremism is a step towards preventing terrorism.

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Source & Copyright: UN News Centre