The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC) held a soft launch event for the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives on July 9 at the UN Headquarters in New York.
The event brought together representatives from various countries, cooperative organizations, and UN agencies to discuss the role of cooperatives in sustainable development and the plans for celebrating the International Year. The event highlighted the diverse contributions of cooperatives across sectors, including agriculture, finance, housing, healthcare, and renewable energy. Representatives from different regions shared their plans for establishing national committees, engaging with governments, and promoting cooperatives through various activities and initiatives during the International Year.
The event began with opening remarks from representatives of the United Nations, including Simael Isham from the International Labour Organization (ILO), and keynote addresses from ambassadors and representatives of Mongolia, Kenya, India, and the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA). They emphasized the importance of cooperatives in building a better world, addressing global challenges, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The speakers highlighted the contributions of cooperatives in various sectors and called for increased support and recognition for the cooperative movement.
John Wilmoth, Director of the UNDESA Division for Inclusive Development, discussed the role of cooperatives in supporting the implementation of the SDGs, particularly in reaching marginalized groups such as persons with disabilities, youth, and indigenous peoples. He emphasized the need for cooperatives to engage in outreach and community engagement to raise awareness and extend their impact.
Representatives from various cooperative organizations and countries shared their plans for celebrating the International Year of Cooperatives in 2025. These included establishing national committees, organizing awareness campaigns, advocating for supportive policies and legal frameworks, promoting cooperatives in education and among youth, and hosting regional and international events. The global launch of the International Year is scheduled for November 2024 in New Delhi, India, hosted by IFFCO.
Representatives from cooperative organizations in different regions, including Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America, shared their perspectives and plans for the International Year. They highlighted the challenges faced by cooperatives, such as lack of awareness and legal barriers, and discussed strategies to address these challenges. The importance of engaging youth, promoting education, and leveraging technology was emphasized.
For more information about the soft launch event for the 2025 International Year of Cooperatives, please visit:
Source: UN DESA