UN-NGO forum: Shaping better future development agenda

PHOTO: UN Photo/Devra Berkowitz

A United Nations conference focusing on the role of civil society in shaping the global development agenda beyond 2015 concluded in New York today with a declaration that will serve as an “Action Agenda” in the lead-up to negotiations on the future framework.

The declaration “should enable you and communities across the globe to speak with a common voice and advocate for ambitious goals, and for a commitment to leave no one behind,” Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson said in his remarks to the closing session of the 65th Annual UN Conference for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs).

The three-day conference was organized by the UN Department of Public Information and the NGO/DPI Executive Committee on the theme “2015 and Beyond: Our Action Agenda,” brought together an unprecedented number of civil society members to discuss the way forward after the deadline for achieving the set of anti-poverty targets known as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

“There were 4,000 participants, breaking all previous records and giving significant proof of the engagement of civil society in the post-2015 development agenda,” Maher Nasser, Acting Head of the Department of Public Information, told a news conference after the conference closed.

He added that 100 NGOs and 120 national delegates attended the conference, which made 3.6 million media impressions with the trending hashtag #UNNGO2014.

The event sought to provide an opportunity for civil society networks and activists to mobilize messaging, advocacy strategies, partnerships and accountability frameworks in the lead-up to the start of the intergovernmental negotiations on the post-2015 development agenda.

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