In 2023 the hosting cycle of the Inter-Agency Games fell onto Vienna. With great excitement we took over the flag from our colleagues in Copenhagen last year and our now looking forward to welcoming the Inter-Agency Games family, our athletes, and our friends to Vila Real de Santo António in the beautiful Algarve region of Portugal.
The event will be held in the usual fashion from 18-22 October 2023 with the opening ceremony being held on the 18th, competitions being held on 19-21 October, the closing ceremony and gala held on the evening of the 21st, and regular departures to start on the 22nd.
Your first question will be: “How do I register?”. Our organizing committee will now ramp up logistics. We will work closely with our partner O-Sports in getting all the facilities and hotels ready. In the next few weeks we will send invitation letters to your IAG focal points through whom you will be able to register.
We are in the process of negotiating how to best facilitate Visa issuance with local authorities and will make that information available as soon as possible. We will make sure you will have more than enough time for application and issuance.
What will the package entail? We are not ready yet to discuss prices but we are glad to have found a location that could offer us a more than competitive offer that should suit most budgets. There will be packages in various hotel categories, giving you a choice on how you want to spend your time there, as well as a package without accommodation in case you want to make your own plans.
For more information, please visit: https://www.interagencygames.org/