Unlimited Potential: Business Partners for Gender Equality

This year a number of global milestones – the twentieth anniversary of the Beijing Platform for Action (PfA), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – provide a unique opportunity to ensure that the business community is a key partner in achieving gender equality. Held as part of the official CSW59/Beijing+20 programme, the 2015 Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) Annual Event will bring together leaders from business, Government, the UN and civil society to reflect on the implications of the PfA and the SDGs, and project an action agenda driven by WEPs champions. Held on 10-11 March 2015 in New York, the event will also focus on concrete steps and actions that business can take to advance gender equality in the workplace, marketplace and community.

The UN Global Compact and UN Women are pleased to announce Hillary Rodham Clinton, former Secretary of State of the United States, as the featured keynote speaker at the 2015 WEPs Event on 10 March. After nearly four decades of public service as First Lady, Senator, and U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Rodham Clinton now helps lead the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation. Throughout her career, she has championed rights and opportunities for women and girls. She led the U.S. delegation to the Fourth UN World Conference on Women in 1995 in Beijing, where she delivered her historic speech and proclaimed “women’s rights are human rights”. In her keynote address, Secretary Clinton will reflect on progress made in implementing the agenda set in Beijing two decades ago. She will present key findings and recommendations from "No Ceilings: The Full Participation Report" and outline an agenda to accelerate the full participation of women and girls around the world.

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Source & Copyright: UN Women and UN Global Compact