Urging Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in 2030 Agenda-Based Policies

UN Photo/Albert González Farran

There was now a common understanding that social policies inclusive of persons with disabilities were a “sound” investment in society and that their exclusion from decisions came with economic costs that countries could no longer ignore, the Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities told the Commission for Social Development on Friday 5 Feb 2016, outlining ways to ensure the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development built on historic gains in their recognition.

“We have undoubtedly advanced,” said Catalina Devandas-Aguilar, who was appointed in 2014 by the Geneva-based Human Rights Council.  She recalled that when the Millennium Development Goals were negotiated, “we were completely absent” from discussions, agendas, goals, indicators and processes.  There were no statistics or comparable methodologies, nor a clear understanding of the need to include everyone in poverty eradication.

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