Using ICTs to transform women’s lives

Three outstanding organizations and three distinguished individuals leading projects and advocacy to boost gender equality and women’s empowerment using information and communication technologies (ICTs) will be honoured at a ceremony in New York today as recipients of the annual ITU/UN Women GEM-TECH Awards.

Jointly organized by UN agencies ITU and UN Women, the awards recognize the tremendous power of ICTs to transform women’s lives by providing them with better access to education, information, support networks, employment opportunities, avenues for political participation, and devices and apps that can improve personal safety. The awards are celebrated this year as part of the 20-year commemoration of the Beijing Platform for Action.

The three GEM-TECH winners and three Global Achievers will receive their awards at a ceremony held this evening at Civic Hall in New York, in partnership with the New York City Mayor’s Office of Technology and Innovation and generously sponsored by Mozilla, Microsoft, the Swiss Federal Office of Communications, Verizon and Facebook. The awards will be presented by ITU Deputy Secretary-General Malcolm Johnson, and UN Women Deputy Executive Director Lakshmi Puri.

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Source & Copyright: UN Women