Violence Against Women in Sudan

Sudanese stakeholders need to be holding constructive dialogues to tackle the prominent issue of violence against women within the country. These conclusions were drawn from a UN special Rapporteur against violence who brought back reports and interviews of the deep inequality and poverty that the women of Sudan live in. The biggest concern within the violence against women is female genital mutilation and early marriages; the women of Sudan are unable to seek help outside their family because of the cultural norms and so they remain confined to exploitation and violence.

To combat this violence, efforts have been made at policy and institutional levels and the accountability deficit that is behind these issues in Sudan is being discussed. “Holding accountable State authorities who perpetrate violence is also an imperative in the current context,” said the special Rapporteur Rashida Manjoo from her reports. The government of Sudan is being encouraged to look behind the cultural context of these gendered crimes and call these i

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