We are building a future with social justice for all

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The Global Coalition for Social Justice is an initiative of the ILO Director-General Houngbo, and has been shaped and developed in close consultation with ILO tripartite constituents, and endorsed by the ILO Governing Body in November 2023. The Coalitions scope of work is anchored in the ILO key foundational texts over a period of century that underscore the transformative power of social justice in fostering cohesive and productive societies, reducing poverty, hunger, inequalities and social tensions. 

The Coalition unites partners from governments, employers’ and workers’ organizations, international institutions, enterprises, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions in a transformative initiative. Led by the ILO, its mission is to foster multilateral cooperation and accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), championing social justice on a global scale.

How it works

The Coalition intervenes by enhancing advocacy, promoting policy coherence, and generating knowledge. Through cooperation and partnerships, it mobilizes resources to address critical issues and evolve its activities over time to best serve the interlinked causes of social justice and decent work.

I see such a Coalition as a crucial force to help advance the Sustainable Development Goals and meet the challenges of today and tomorrow. At its heart, this effort is about rebuilding the social contract through people-centered policies grounded and guided by social justice.

- António Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations

Governance arrangements

The Coalition’s governance arrangements, led by a Coordinating Group, reflects a commitment to democratic participation and engagement.

  • Forum: Coalition partners convene annually, either remotely or in person, to discuss thematic issues, share best practices, and facilitate knowledge exchange.
  • Coordinating Group: Comprising committed partners, this group meets twice a year to guide the strategic agenda, facilitate communication, engage external stakeholders, and mobilize resources effectively.
  • Secretariat: Hosted by the ILO, the secretariat supports key events, including Coordinating Group and Forum meetings, and maintains a repository of good practices through a web-based portal.

Thematic priorities

While the specific details of the Coalitions activities will evolve through engagement with diverse institutions and actors, the ILO has identified key areas of immediate action and a strong focus on outcomes. Areas of immediate action are:

  • Addressing inequality, discrimination and exclusion.
  • Realizing labour rights as human rights, ensuring human dignity and meeting basic needs.
  • Expanding access to and capabilities for productive and freely chosen employment and sustainable enterprises.
  • Providing protection and building resilience.
  • Strengthening just transitions and the social dimension of sustainable development, trade and investment.
  • Reinforcing institutions of social dialogue.

For more information, please visit Global Coalition for Social Justice

Source: ILO