WHO backs football body FIFA’s #ReachOut campaign for mental health

On Monday, FIFA and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) launched a UN-backed campaign designed to raise awareness of potentially damaging mental health issues, and encourage people everywhere to seek help when they need it. #ReachOut is a campaign designed to promote healthy lifestyles to help combat the symptoms of mental health conditions, and to encourage people to reach out in times of need.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, it may be more challenging to maintain a healthy lifestyle, such as getting regular exercise, eating healthily, getting enough sleep and keeping in touch with friends and family. Depression and anxiety affect rising numbers of people worldwide, and young people are among the most vulnerable. Having a conversation with family, friends or a healthcare professional, can be key. Former greats, current players and special guests, who have lent their support to this mental health campaign, share their top health tips and their lived experiences.

Read the full story here.

Source: UN News