Why are Digital Skills Critical for Older Persons?

“Digital skills can be effective for senior citizens to feel empowered and in control of their own lives. Digital skills help our relationships with our families, our communities and even beyond. They also help seniors to socialize, ease the pain of being alone and be creative".

This was the message delivered by Ms. Masako Wakamiya, an 82-year-old Japanese software programmer during the 56th session of the UN Commission for Social Development (CSocD56) side event on "why are digital skills critical for older persons?". Ms. Masako highlighted how technology could help older persons remain active and engaged in the world, with her extraordinarily impressive digital skills - she created Hinadan, a game app for smartphones for the elderly.

All countries are experiencing growth in the number and proportion of older persons in their populations. According to the World Population Prospects 2017, the number of older persons — those aged 60 years or over — is expected to more than double by 2050 and to more than triple by 2100, rising from 962 million globally in 2017 to 2.1 billion in 2050 and 3.1 billion in 2100. Globally, population aged 60 or over is growing faster than all younger age groups.

The Madrid International Plan of Action Ageing (MIPAA), which promotes the foundation of a “Society for All Ages”, recognized that technology could be used to bring persons together and thereby contribute to the reduction of marginalization, loneliness and segregation between the ages.

"Digital skills are critical for older persons because many of our daily activities - such as online learning, shopping, banking and access to public services- require interaction with technology." said Ms. Rosemary Lane, Senior Social Affairs Officer, UNDESA/DSPD.

Today, many older persons worldwide remain vulnerable to digital exclusion and the least likely to tap the potential of innovative technologies, which prevent them from fully participating in social cultural, economic and political lives. To achieve ‘Society for All Ages’, we need to invest in digital education for older persons and ensure that everyone in every society has the chance to acquire digital skills. “Governments should work together with stakeholders to create high-speed and accessible technology infrastructures for older persons, businesses to foster entrepreneurial and innovative abilities, and promote life-long learning”, said Ms. Rosemary Lane.

"Digital technologies shouldn't be only barriers for older persons and can enrich their quality of life if they're able to make use of them." said H.E. Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations.

Speakers from academia called for creating more learning products and services, to empower older persons to engage in digital societies. "This requires a shared understanding of older persons’ values, abilities and goals to co-create environments that are supportive for learning and using technology”, said Ms. Rosalie Wang from the University of Toronto.

"Big Data, AI and the creation of life support businesses for a smart silver city will be critical for older persons," said Dr. Toshio Obi from Waseda University, Japan. He recommended Life-long learning to acquire digital skills and new job styles such as telework, silver venture and cross-border workplace for older persons.

Ms. Marisa Giorgi from the Older Adults Technology Services (OATS) highlighted the power of technology to change the way we age. She explained how technology adoption for older persons requires participant-driven learning and how digital tools can help them plan their budget.

As Ms. Masako Wakamiya shared her insights and experience of teaching herself to code, all attendees were inspired by her enthusiasm and diligence.

“I hope that we, the community, the nations, and the unity of the United Nations will be able to join hands and think about how we can create a society where senior citizens feel empowered and can continue to play an important role”, she said.

For more information about this event, please visit: http://bit.ly/csocd56-digital-skills-ageing
For more information about the CSocD56, please visit: http://bit.ly/un-csocd56

Source: UNSDN