Why financing matters for women and girls

Financing for gender equality is a way to ensure that women's needs are met in development planning. Examples of this include women having maternal health clinics nearby, letting women have a say in where village water holes are built, and ensuring cash-transfer programmes benefit all. In order for this type of development to spread around the world, money is needed. Funding is required so that commitments made by world leaders can be translated into action.

Because inclusive development is expensive, project planning and financing has often neglected women's needs. The organization UN Women focused on the issue of financing for gender equality in Addis Ababa at the Third International Conference on Financing for Development to make sure that this issue became a priority.

The means to achieve gender equality and women's empowerment exist, it just is an issue that needs to be prioritized. Gender equality objectives need to be included in the post-2015 development agenda because women everywhere need dedicated and consistent investment and resources.

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Source & Copyright: UN Women