What is social protection?
Social protection refers to a set of policies to a set of
policies help women, men, and children reach or maintain an adequate standard
of living and good health throughout their lives.
Social protection can also be considered as a human right and an integral part of the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development. SDG 1 calls on all countries to provide social security to all as a means to end poverty in all its forms everywhere by 2030. Social protection is also fundamental in achieving several other SDGs.
Why social protection is critical?
While large social protection gaps remain in Asia and the Pacific, there is a strong rationale for governments in the region to step up to the challenge and close the gaps. Investing in inclusive social development is good for people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership, which is in the spirit of strengthened global solidarity of the Agenda 2030.
To find more resources for questions like, "How to finance inclusive social protection?", "How to implement inclusive social protection schemes?", and "How to design inclusive social protection system?", all of them are available on the Social Protection Toolbox (http://www.socialprotection-toolbox.org/).
Source: UN ESCAP