World Summit Destinations for All

The 1st ever World Summit Destinations for All will take place in Montreal from 19 to 22 October 2014. The issue of accessible tourism has never been more relevant: 15% of the world’s population live with a disability, and with a greater aging demographic, this number will only increase. It is time to think of tourism no longer solely as a luxury, but as a need that is shared by everyone.

The aim of the Summit is to take stock of the achievements that have been made in the world’s leading accessible destinations, regions and cities, to share and discuss best practices and methods and to chart a course for the development of One World of Inclusive Tourism for Everyone.

This event also aims to make a decisive push forward on the determination of a set of international norms and standards with regards to accessible tourism and transportation; highlight the economic benefits for destinations to be fully inclusive and accessible; develop and enhance accessible tourist products and to establish a world partnership and a common international strategy to develop universal accessibility for infrastructures and tourism services, transport services, and to increase the availability of information on different destinations’ accessibility.

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