Your Voice Matters! Join our e-Discussion on Cooperatives

"How are cooperatives contributing to inclusive social progress and development?" 

Please sign in at the end of this page and join this month’s e-discussion on the role of Cooperatives as agents of sustainable social development! The e-Discussion will take place from 7 to 30 July 2015.

Your responses will be featured on our official websites and social media platforms!


During July, the #ForPeople campaign is focusing on Cooperatives!!

Stay tuned throughout the month and follow the United Nations DESA Division for Social Policy and Development (DSPD) on Facebook ( ) and Twitter ( ) for interviews, info-graphics, interesting facts and information on important issues regarding Cooperatives and on their role in many aspects of social progress!

Follow and share your views using ‪#‎ForPeople‬ .

For more information on the work of the United Nations regarding Cooperatives please visit: .