Your Voice Matters!: Join our e-Discussion on Families

"What is the impact of family dynamics in the shaping of gender equality in a society?"

Please sign in at the end of this page and join this month's e-discussion on the role of families as agents of sustainable social development! The e-Discussion will take place from 12 to 29 May 2015.

Your responses will be featured on our official websites and social media platforms!

During the month of May, the ForPeople campaign is focusing on Families!

Stay tuned throughout the month for interviews, infographics, interesting facts and information on the important role of families in gender equality, poverty eradication, intergenerational solidarity and many more aspects of social progress!

Follow and share your views on important issues regarding families around the world using ‪#‎ForPeople‬ and #DayofFamilies .

For more information on Families please visit:

For more information on the "For Inclusion. For Equality. ForPeople. 2015 - Time for Global Action"