Youth4Peace Supporting young people’s participation in peacebuilding

In countries affected by conflict and violence, young people are commonly perceived as either perpetrators or victims. Turmoil and instability – including in recent years with the Arab Spring – are often explained by countries having large youth populations.

Young women and young men have a critical role in promoting and maintaining international peace and security. Contrary to most popular representations, the majority of youth are not violent. Rather, they can - and do - play active roles as agents of positive and constructive change.

The Youth, Peace and Security agenda has gained momentum in recent years and marks a shift in the understanding of who young people are and their role for peace and security. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2250 (2015) is the first international policy framework that recognizes  the positive role young people play in preventing and resolving conflict, countering violent extremism and building peace.


Learn about what young people are achieving around the world and join us in supporting young people's participation in peacebuilding. Download the Overview of the Progress Study on Youth, Peace and Security here.

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Source: Youth4Peace Global Knowledge Portal

To learn more about our work on Youth, please visit: