The Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (COSP to the CRPD or COSP) established pursuant to article 40 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) in 2008. Since then, seventeen sessions have been convened at the United Nations Headquarters, New York.
The 18th session of the COSP, per decided by States Parties at the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties on 13 June 2024, in line with the article 40 of the CRPD and Rules of the Procedure of the COSP (CRPD/CSP/2008/3) will be scheduled to take place at the United Nations Headquarters, New York, from 10 to 12 June 2025.
- President-elect: Sri Lanka (Asia-Pacific Group)
- Vice-Presidents-elect: Poland (Eastern European Group), Peru (Latin American and Caribbean Group), Canada (Western European and Others Group), and Tanzania (African Group).
Themes and Subthemes
Overarching theme: Enhancing public awareness of the rights and contributions of persons with disabilities for social development leading up to the Second World Summit for Social Development
Sub-theme for Roundtable 1: Empowering persons with disabilities and enhancing social development policies through innovative financing.
Sub-theme for Roundtable 2: Leaving no one behind: using AI as a tool for supporting inclusivity to strengthen the participation of persons with disabilities.
Sub-theme for Roundtable 3: Recognising and addressing the rights of Indigenous persons with disabilities and their role in advancing disability inclusion.
Provisional agenda and Tentative programme
more information will be provided soon...
Side Events
Applications are now open for side events at COSP18! This is an opportunity for Member States, Intergovernmental Organizations, UN agencies, NGOs with ECOSOC status, and NGOs accredited to the COSP and stakeholders to contribute to meaningful discussions and showcase innovative initiatives related to overarching theme and sub-themes.
Please be aware that to ensure accessibility for all our events, you MUST include closed captions and make every effort to arrange for international sign language interpretation. However, due to the high number of events, securing sign language interpretation may not always be possible for your specific event.
List of suggested Cart Services Providers | List of suggested International Sign Language Interpreters
Deadline: 4 April 2025 by 11:30 p.m. New York Time
We encourage early submissions. For inquiries, please contact us at with the subject line: "COSP18 Side Events".
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) with "A" Status ONLY
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) interested in attending the COSP18 must complete this online application form. The deadline for receiving this application form is 14 April 2025.
The online application is only open to NHRIs with "A" Status. If you have any questions, please contact us by email at with the subject "COSP18 NHRIs".
Civil Society Forum
The Civil Society Coordination Mechanism (CSCM), which is facilitated by the International Disability Alliance, hosts a Civil Society Forum (CSF), as an addition to the COSP, to leverage the opportunity to amplify the voice and facilitate adequate and active participation of persons with disabilities. This year, the CSF will be held on Monday 9 June 2025. More information will be provided soon..
Civil Society Participation
Registration for NGOs with ECOSOC status and those accredited to the Conference of State Parties (COSP): NGOs can register via Indico for COSP18. Organizations are responsible for approving their registrations, and participants should contact their conference focal point for approval.
- Conference Focal points can review pending registrations on the Indico platform.
- Due to space constraints, organizations should limit attendance to 10 representatives.
- Registration deadline: 16 May 2025.
Application for New NGO accreditation. Please consult the Information Note, the deadline is 4 April 2025.
Only NGOs accredited by the Conference of States Parties can participate in the sessions of the Conference of States Parties. NGOs that have consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) or were accredited to the Ad Hoc Committee on the Convention are already accredited to the Conference of States Parties.
- All other NGOs wishing to participate in the Conference of States Parties must apply for accreditation to the Conference.
- Accreditation is a one-time process by which non-governmental organizations that have not previously been accredited become eligible to participate as observers in the Conference of States Parties (including in future sessions). Accreditation is granted to organizations and not to individuals.
- If your organization would like to attend this year's conference, we recommend that you register online in Indico by joining an existing ECOSOC or Accredited NGO. Next year, you can officially register using the name of your organization.
- Final confirmation of formal accreditation will only be available after the first meeting of the 17th session of the Conference of States Parties on 10 June 2025 by 1 p.m.