United Nations Headquarters, New York, 18 to 21 April 2011
The First Session of the Open-ended Working Group on strengthening the protection of the human rights of older persons will be convened from 18 to 21 April 2011 in Conference Room 1 at the United Nations North Lawn Building (NLB) in New York.
The first session will focus on understanding the current situation of the human rights of older persons around the world. This includes two panel discussions on the existing international and regional human rights frameworks. At the end of the first session the working group is expected to start identifying possible gaps and measures to address them.
- Programme of Work - First Session OEWG - 18-21 April 2011
- Annotated provisional agenda of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing - First Working Session, A/AC.278/2011/3:
English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语 - Chair's summary - First Session OEWG - 18-21 April 2011
- Report of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, A/AC.278/2011/4, May 2011
English | Français | Español | Русский | عربي | 汉语 - Corrigendum to the Report of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, A/AC.278/2011/4/Corr.1, August 2011
Statements to the First Session of the Working Group
- Statements from Member States
- Statements from Civil Society
- Statements from UN Agencies
- Presentations/Statements by Panellists
Documents Submitted by The United Nations System
- Table - HR & MIPAA - Older Persons - (April 2011)
- ECLAC - Ageing and the protection of human rights:current situation and outlook (April 2011)
- PAN AMERICAN HEALTH ORGANIZATION (PAHO) - Human Rights and Health - Older persons (2008)
- OHCHR - Human rights of older persons: international human rights principles and standards (April 2011)
Documents Submitted by NGOs
- HelpAge _ Briefing paper for the 1st session of the OEWG on Ageing (April 2011)
- Agewell - Study on Human Rights of Older Persons in India (April 2011)
- Coalition to Strengthen the Rights of Older People - Strengthening Older People's Rights: towards a UN convention
Participation of NGOs
- Participation of NGOs at the First Working Session (CLOSED)
- List of new NGOs accredited to the OEWGA