Ninth Working Session

9th OWEGADate and Venue

The Ninth Working Session of the Working Group will be held from 23 to 26 July 2018 in Conference Room 4 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

The session is being webcast live on:


Participation of NGOs

Online Registration for NGOs with ECOSOC Status and previously accredited organizations to the OEWG on Ageing - Deadline is NOW CLOSED

Participation of National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) - Deadline is now CLOSED

Online Application Form for Side Events- Deadline is now CLOSED

Draft List of Side Events

Ninth Session Documents

Statements to the Ninth Session

Presentations to the Ninth Session

Documents submitted to the Ninth Session

Background Analytical Overview Papers

Call for inputs on focus issues of the 9th session - Deadline 9 April 2018

The Chair of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, invites Members of the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, “A” status National Human Rights Institutions, non-governmental organizations with ECOSOC Status and previously accredited organizations to the Open-ended Working Group on Ageing, as well as United Nations Funds, Programmes, Specialized Agencies and other UN Entities, to provide:

  1. substantive inputs on the two focus areas of the upcoming 9th session, namely "Autonomy and Independence" and "Long-term and Palliative Care" in the context of older persons. Please refer to  “guiding questions” on each of the focus areas. Inputs should be in English and of no more than 800 words per focus area.
  1. substantive inputs, in the form of normative content for the development of a possible international standard on the protection of the rights of older people to “Equality and non-discrimination” and “Violence , neglect and abuse”; the two focus areas of the previous 8th session of the Working Group. Inputs should be in English and of no more than 800 words per focus area.

Kindly note that inputs should be sent to the United Nations focal point on Ageing, Ms. Rosemary Lane, at by 9 April 2018.

As agreed by the Bureau of the Working Group, and in order to feed into the substantive discussion of the 9th session of the Working Group, the Secretariat has been requested to prepare the following:

  • An analytical working document containing the inputs submitted on the two focus areas of the upcoming 9th session, namely "Autonomy and Independence" and "Long-term and Palliative Care"
  • A compilation working document containing the inputs submitted on  the two focus areas of the previous 8th session, namely “Equality and non-discrimination” and “Violence , neglect and abuse”


Links to submissions from:
